Gifts in Wills

Leaving a legacy to the RSPCA Staffordshire North Branch will provide much‐needed funds.  

We could not carry out our work without such generous support. The RSPCA Staffordshire North Branch cares for and rehomes abused and neglected animals in the local area. Often, these animals need our help because they have been so badly treated or abandoned and we ensure they are given a safe refuge, veterinary treatment and then find them suitable, loving homes. We also give advice to owners and, where possible, help with the cost of neutering and veterinary treatment.

If you wish your money to be used to rescue and assist animals locally it is essential that our Branch name and registered charity number is quoted correctly.


CHARITY No. 225670

If you would like the animals in your local area to benefit, we would respectfully suggest that your legacy reads:

“I give the sum of £……..…………… (or specify a share of residue) to the RSPCA Staffordshire North Branch, Registered Charity number 225670, for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of the said RSPCA for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.”

Please note that a will or codicil needs to be properly witnessed, and you should obtain legal advice.